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Submitted/In Review
Duplisea, D.E., Eddy, T., Robertson, M.D., Ruiz-Díaz, R., Solberg, C.A., & Zhang, F. The ghosts of overfishing past that haunt the effectiveness of present day fisheries management and potential solutions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Robertson, M.D., Cadigan, N.G., Nirmalkanna, K., & Wheeland, L. Impact of starvation-induced mortality on the collapse and lack of recovery of American plaice on the Newfoundland Grand Banks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Robertson, M.D., Embke, H.S., Lynch, A.J., Midway, S.R., and Paukert, C.P. Inland recreational fisheries harvest far exceeds reported inland harvest in the United States. Nature Communications.
West, H., Wudrick, A. Vajas, P., Robertson, M.D., Eddy, T.D. Harp seals have a greater impact than fisheries in the stalled cod recovery in Newfoundland & Labrador. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

Wszola, L, Sievert, N.A., Lynch, A.L., Embke, H.S., Kaz, A.L., Robertson, M.D., Midway, S.R., & Paukert, C.P. 2024. Lake temperature and morphometry shape the thermal composition of recreational fishing catch. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 153(6), 746–762.

Robertson, M.D., Cadigan, N., Regular, P.M., Koen-Alonso, M., Bélanger, F., Cyr, F., Zhang, F., & Eddy, T. 2024.Testing models of increasing complexity to develop ecosystem-informed fisheries advice. Fish and Fisheries. 25(3), 491-507.

Robertson, M.D., Midway, S.R., Embke, H.S., Kaz, A.L., Lang, M., Paukert, C., Sievert, N.A., Wszola, L., & Lynch, A.J. 2024. Estimating inland recreational fisheries catch and effort throughout the United States. Fisheries Management and Ecology. 31:e12650.
Sievert, N.A., Lynch, A.J., Embke, H.S., Robertson, A., Lang, M., Kaz, A.L., Robertson, M.D., Midway, S.R., Wszola, L, & Paukert, C.P. 2023. CreelCat: A National Compilation of United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Data. Scientific Data. 10 (762).

Eddy, T.D., Duplisea, D., Robertson, M.D., Ruiz-Diaz, R., Solberg, C.A., & Zhang, F. 2023. Barriers to implementation of dynamic approaches in fisheries management. FACETS. 8, 1-10.

Midway, S.R., Brum, J., & Robertson, M.D. Show and tell: Approaches for effective figures. Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 8(2), 213-219.

Robertson, M.D., Regular, P.M., & Cadigan, N. 2022. Limited temporal variability in natural mortality for juvenile American plaice on the Grand Bank of Newfoundland. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science. 53, 47-56.

Cadigan, N., Robertson, M.D., Nirmalkanna, K., & Zheng, N. 2022. The complex relationship between weight and length of cod off southern Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Sciences. In Press.

Robertson, M.D., Koen-Alonso, M., Regular, P.M., Cadigan, N., & Zhang, F. Estimating prey dynamics using predator diet data: A case study for Northern sand lance (Ammodytes dubius) on the Grand Bank off Newfoundland. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13(4), 880-893

Regular, P.M., Buren, A.D., Dwyer, K.S., Cadigan, N.G., Gregory, R.S., Koen-Alonso, M., Rideout, R. M., Robertson, G.J., Robertson, M.D., Stenson, G.B., Wheeland, L. J., & Zhang, F. Indexing starvation mortality to assess its role in the population regulation of northern cod. Fisheries Research, 247, 106180.

Midway, S.R., Robertson, M.D., Flinn, S., and Kaller, M.D. (2020). Comparing multiple comparisons: practical guidance for choosing the best multiple comparisons test. PeerJ. e10387.

Robertson, M.D., Gao, J., Regular, P.M., Morgan, M.J., & Zhang, F. (2021). Lagged recovery of fish spatial distributions following a cold-water perturbation. Scientific Reports. 11, 9513.

Zheng, N., Robertson, M.D., Cadigan, N., Zhang, F., Morgan, M.J., & Wheeland, L. (2020). Spatiotemporal variation in maturation: A case study in American plaice
(Hippoglossoides platessoides) on the Grand Bank off Newfoundland. Canadian
Journal of Fisheries Aquatic Sciences, 77(10),1688-1699.

McCormick, A., Robertson, M.D., Brasso, R, & S.R. Midway. (2020). Mercury concentrations in store-bought shrimp. Journal of Food Science & Nutrition, 8, 3731–3737.

Robertson, M.D. & Midway, S.R. (2019). Predicting coastal fishing community characteristics in Tanzania using local monitoring data. Journal of Environmental Management, 246, 514-525.

Robertson, M.D., Midway, S.R., West, L., Tillya, H., & Rivera-Monroy, V.H. (2018) Fishery Characteristics in Two Districts of Coastal Tanzania. Ocean & Coastal Management: 163, 254-268.

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